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Search results

  1. A

    So This Is About To Get Awkward...

    I had a mono-Water in Ruby once that included Corsola, Luvdisc, Seaking, and Whiscash.
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    So This Is About To Get Awkward...

    Plenty of Pokémon, such as Dodrio, Xatu, and Rhyhorn, were only available in the Safari Zone in Hoenn. Not seeing the problem here. HGSS Safari Zone also was necessary to make some Pokémon available at a reasonable time that were otherwise obsoleted by the time you got them in GSC, such as...
  3. A

    So This Is About To Get Awkward...

    What's wrong with the one in Hoenn? Granted, being limited out of an area depending on which bike you have was a little annoying, but it wasn't a dealbreaker. You can't really get to everywhere in Kanto's within the step limit, either. Plus the Pokéblock machines helped get natures you wanted...
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    So This Is About To Get Awkward...

    My first game was Yellow, and gen III is my favourite. Hoenn is beautiful, I love the Pokémon, and I especially love the music. Emerald still has more replay value than any other main series game. All of the little things just made it sparkle: two bikes, Trick House, contests, return of the...
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    So This Is About To Get Awkward...

    I'm pretty sure 4th gen is the universal least favourite. I actually liked Platinum considerably more than Diamond, but it wasn't enough to keep it out of last. I did like HG, but its main issue was that it was a little too faithful of a remake and didn't fix everything I was hoping it would...
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